Todd Novak & the Benny Hillbilleez
Bird & Beckett Book Store
Glen Park - San Francisco
February 8, 2015
In my biased, personal opinion, Todd Novak is one of the best Bay Area Guitarists I’ve encountered in my 30+ years of living around here. If you dig tongue in cheek, shredding TWANG - Todd and the Bennie Hillbilleez will please your ears and eyes!
Spider Man Theme
Bat Cramped
Black Out
Egyptian Hayride
I Wanna Be Sedated
The Joker
Hey Little Child
Hey Mr Spaceman
Seasick Cow
Sons of Beaches
Lime in the Coconut
James Bond Double O Heaven
Talkin’ Trash
The Legend of the Great Manjo
Holding Back
Desperate CowsWives
Todd Novak & The Benny Hill Billeez "Egyptian Hayride" - Surf-a-billy Swing Time Dance Party... Live at Bird & Beckett Book Store Glenn Park, San Francisco, CA Sunday Afternoon Feburuary 8, 2015 TN & The BH feature members of the Mermen and the Cowlicks.